We save them, and they save us by MJS


Elkhart, IN

We become family. We start telling them to come to Mommy and Daddy, and we become grand-dogs to others.

They watch over us, study our actions and habits, and know our cars, including the neighbors. Trust me, they know the muffler on the US mail truck a block away. They recognize the diesel engine on the UPS truck and the backup beeping on the FedEx. Amazon messes with them by making multiple trips up our street and getting excited on trash and recycling day.

We no longer need a doorbell; she's our doorbell. She takes such pride in announcing someone is coming up our sidewalk. And does the same thing when the phone rings. Our beloved lab knew when we were getting a fax before the fax signal. Running up to it and begging for a treat.

We fall in love with them; they show us love with kisses and paw pats. They protect us 24 hours a day. They greet us at the door with excitement. You could be gone for 30 minutes or 3 hours. It's all the same to them. They never judge or laugh at us, no matter what we say or, better yet, what we wear.

Ask them if they want to go for a car ride. Better get out of the way because they will knock you down to get there first. It's like a child that wants to ride a shotgun. Also, get on the phone and they want to hear every word. Are they jealous or spies for the FBI? Our dog hides behind me when we go to the "VETS." She does the same thing when she's scared. She got startled once during a storm and now hates storms and fireworks.

I told a business owner once our only entertainment was our TV and our dog. Really. I think they had to hold back laughing at me. Our dog entertains us every day.

Our dog sleeps like a human with a pillow and blanket. I was awakened one night because she was cold and needed to be covered up. We spoiled her. We trained her to ring bells by hanging them on the door so she could go to the bathroom outside. Sometimes, she rings the bell to go outside and check out the neighbor. We call it: go out and sniff the neighbors.

We have gotten to the point where we have to spell words out, just like we did with our children, or say a different word for the same thing. Call it: English is our dog's first language. She must have spent her first 8 months in the South because she loves country-western and Mexican music in the car. Strange because she's a German Dachshund and does not know it.

Oh, she chose us! The rescue staff told us as we were walking out. The reason was a lady stopped us and said she was coming back to see her. That's when the rescue staff said. Sorry, she chose them at once. Under her breath: dogs know. Our dog was waiting for us to come to see her. Her mind said: Two old people that will love me.

By the way, she has taken over our home; she just lets us live here.

My Dear Little One


My Dear Little One

There's no need to cry

Dirty dishes mean you

have food in your pantry

Instead Be Happy and

Thankful for Grandma wisdom

Dear Former School Principal 

by MJS

First, thank you for educating several of my grandchildren. 

We are so very proud of them and contribute that to you. 

My last grandson was in your last graduation class.

It was bittersweet for all of us. You'll be truly missed.

Little did I know for years that we lived in the same small subdivision 

which was away across town from your school.

My grandchildren and I would walk by you home uncountable times for years. 

They would say, grandma can we walk to the big pond and then turn on the street 

with the little bench with little kids on it, to see the fishpond at the end of the block.

It was nice to see you left the little bench with the little kids behind when you moved.

I drive by it and say a part of you are still here and in my grandchildren hearts and mind.

A Wise Grandma

To My Granddaughter on her 18th Birthday

Do you remember the days we played Barbie together? 

Grandpa said he didn't know who enjoyed it more you or me.

My old Barbie is 64 years old and ready to retire. 

Her suitcase is packed, and clothes pressed, and shoes matched up. 

She wants to go to college with you. I do believe she deserve the credit for that.

Just a short year ago you had no interest in college whatsoever. 

Then you saw the Barbie movie and realized you could study fashion your passion.

Watch out Ball State University the next famous designer is coming your way.

Grandma's dream will finally be fulfilled thru your eyes and your lifetime experiences.

