Edtor's Note - Courage

There used to be a saying that went something like,

Bumble bees can't actually fly, just nobody told the bee.

Whenever I take on projects beyond my skill level (which is most projects), I hold that saying in my head like a mantra as I plod steadily forward through difficulties and over obstacles, usually of my own making.

The truth is bumble bees are capable of flight. Their movement through the air has nothing to do with achieving the impossible through a lack of understanding of limitations. They not only fly, but they move through the air with unique wing movements recently discovered, involving the making of miniature tornadoes about their helicoptering wingtips.

However...I can't fly.

I have no unique wing movements. The only similarity between my movements and the bumblebees is the ability to make hurricanes while bumbling.

- Howard Mueller

I find these words from my good friend inspiring. I believe you can live in fear of the unknown or just begin. PAN-O-PLY began this way over five years ago. I knew I wanted to create a magazine to share writing, poetry, and art. I researched and planned before launch. Still I did not know what I was doing. I believed in the magazine, and we began with the encouragement of my wife and family and the help of Brea Persing and Cynthia Davis.

We started as a website publication promoted the magazine with postcards. We spread thousands of promotional art cards throughout Michiana. We went to art fairs, galleries, and poetry readings, seeking the voices of Michiana. We ventured out with courage and an enthusiastic vision of the future.

Courage is a key to unlocking possibility. I think of how many things I did not try because I lacked courage. There is a switch to flip. A change from caring more about the process, than fear of the outcome. Maybe it is gaining an understanding that we are all just bumbling through life and will be just fine in the end.

We can all fly beyond our current circumstances. We can all create greatness in the world around us if we begin with good intentions, a little bit of a plan to get started, and the courage to see it through.

At PAN-O-PLY, we encourage the voice of Michiana. We begin to make a small difference in the world around us, and small acts turn into hurricanes of greatness.

Thank you for reading PAN-O-PLY.


Dan Breen - Editor and Publisher

Cynthia Connell Davis - Co-editor

Drew Morgan - Copy Editing

Donavan Barrier, Katie Craft and Jan Wiezorek - Contributing Writers

Heidi Hain - Advertising Sales