Judy Wenig-Horswell March Guest Artist 2025

Two factors have continually influenced my work from the beginning.  First is my love and interest in the natural world including the plants, animals, birds, insects, observed as a child and still now as an adult.

Kone Couple - cast bronze

3D Fish - cast bronze and sea glass

Access to tools and materials of all sorts from an early age allowed experimentation coupled with the necessity & freedom to develop skills in various materials and methods has been equally important. 

Mouse - cast bronze

This fascination with nature and materials has resulted in distinct bodies of work that can seem quite different but yet reflect this focus and interest.  I am free to improvise, to manipulate, and modify what I see sometimes resulting in easily identifiable/realistic subjects and other times creating more abstract and invented forms. 

Spirit Boxes

Rattle Pot

I take the freedom to ‘play’ with what I see and feel. The materials & tools themselves often influence what I see and results in work that can allow varying depths of involvement from the viewer, even sometimes eliciting a smile or laugh.

Putty Root

Contact Judy Wenig-Horswell at Judymwh46@gmail.com


Judy Wenig-Horswell
