Steve Lerma June Guest Artist 2024

For several years, I have seen Steve Lerma’s creations in the windows of the Thompson Gallery in Elkhart, Indiana. Lerma was kind enough to contribute these images to PAN-O-PLY. Photos by Jason Kuspa.

Steve Lerma's roots trace back to the sun-drenched landscapes of Coachella, California, where his family's artistic heritage blooms through generations, utilizing the transformative essence of public art to quell tensions amidst gang dynamics, weaving narratives of unity with vivid portrayals of Aztec warriors gracing their murals. Embracing a new chapter in Elkhart during the 1990s, Lerma found solace in the craft of welding, infusing his sculptures and multimedia creations with the intricate fusion of metalwork mastery. His artistic tapestry intertwines shades of darkness and rays of hope, echoing his personal metamorphosis from a self-professed "bad guy" to an embodiment of love and artistic reverence.

Steve Lerma