PAN-O-PLY Gallery by Jordan Watson
The PAN-O-PLY Gallery focuses on one artists work around a common theme. This quarter we are please to show Jordan Watson’s landscape photography.
Being a landscape photographer in Northwest Indiana or the Midwest in general is not so commo. It has taught me to look at the natural world around me in a different light. I tend to explore my local area in depth. Going back to the same spot often just to see the scene different conditions bring. My favorite place is of course the dunes. The dunes are my mountains. And Lake Michigan is my place of peace. I often spend hours shooting there, and sometimes not shooting. I really love to capture the moment I feel, not just a nice picture. I try to envoke emotion and drama with each image. I began landscape photography about 10 years ago at the age of fifteen. My love of nature began before then. Throughout the years I’ve learned so very much and I continue to learn each and everyday about photography and nature itself. I love what I do and I am so blessed to be able to experience the things I have.
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What makes me love nature is the pure beauty that such a chaotic scene can bring. I can stare at a trees bends as the afternoon sun pokes through and the sky lights up for hours. It is just such a serene feeling it brings me. There is so much life in nature, and love. Everything works together in the natural world. Trees provide homes as animals provide carbon dioxide for them to grow. Nature is always growing, and I believe that’s how we should all be. Working together to grow.
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What makes me most happy about taking a photograph is not the image itself, it’s the experience. The trek, watching as the light changes, and hearing all of the sounds of nature. I try to truly listen to myself and the world in that moment, and I then try to portray those feelings in my image. The moments I have shared with my camera will forever be the most special to me.
Click the photos above to move the gallery and view three photos.
It’s hard to choose a favorite photograph, but one of my all time favorites I’ve taken was at the dunes. A stormy day, but the ominous clouds broke on two sides and revealed the most spectacular golden light. Illuminating the lake while maintaining drama. I remember shooting the image and nailing it, and then just laying down in the sand and listening to the huge waves crash. It was a warm summer evening and I nearly fell asleep. It was one of the most self inspiring moments of my life. The hairs in my neck were standing up. Although that could have been the storm.
Jordan Watson