Shannon Acrey July Poet

The Lady of the Night


A ghostly orb,

clouds scuttle past her marbled façade.


Her mystical form holds magic to control the tides,

a soothing power that shifts the sands.


With her silvery brilliance, accented by diamonds,

her everlasting beauty holds quiet strength.


And through her morphic phases,

she rises majestically above the human form.


Oh, how she holds so many scars,

both inside and out.

Yet she still braves another night

to show us that darkness is not our enemy,

rather a reprieve to nurse our wounds

from the past day’s troubles.


She is a friend who hears our sighs,

a mentor to guide our dreams.


Our gaze is filled

with her breath stealing awe.


So beautiful and pure,

she’s a sacred creation.


She is…


the Lady of the Night


Restoring Your Light


Do you ever feel like a planet

hurtling through space?

Knocked off course by some

rough and coarse meteors

or even by a giant asteroid or two?


Do you ever feel your inner light

--once so bright--

begin to fade

from all the congested cosmic dust?


And just when your energy

seems to stall,

like your movement is ready to be fixed in place,

you feel a slight magnetic tug

as you skim past the sun.


You watch as the mega-sized orb

winks out some flames

--restoring your light--

letting you know




will be alright.



I feel the sun


Heat upon my skin


The air shifts


Makes my form quiver


Ground is alive


Thyme beneath my claws


A misty rain


Slick now on my raven feathers


Elements merge


And I, Morrighan, merge

with them