Knox Hurley Poems About Identity

The Three of Them


The moment i realized all my friends didn't want to be my friend

They wanted to be my lover

One, two, the three of them

Only my friend for the sake of seeking more from me

Unable to be satisfied with my presence they wanted a title

An object

Someone on their arm

Because the greatest prize to be won was me

A competition between the three of them

Who would get me first

Who would win and get to show me off like a trophy.

The moment I realized all my friends wanted me

Was when I had kissed all of them

Let all of them experience the touch of my lips

One was a joke

Two was a mistake

Three was real.

Realer than I had ever wanted it to be.

Like fire on my skin his touch was infuriating as much as it was loved

He had won me.

Why was I chosen as a trophy among the people I called my friends?

Where were you when i was in pain

When i was in the dark 

At rock bottom

Ready to be unalive. 

You were busy planning your next pickup line

Desperate to call me a lover.

A letter from my reflection

Who is that?

The boy looking at me from the other side of the glass

His eyes sunken

Weighed down with coal filled bags

Why is there no light coming from his eyes


His movement lifeless and routine 

Like breathing

Like walking

Unlike eating

Not like smiling


I mimic his movements as he analize every inch of my skin

he stares at my abdomen twisting from side to side for a better angle

he stares at my chest, saying “what such boy would display breasts?”


Hes mocking me now with his judgemental gaze

He pokes and prods at his skin knowing i'll copy him

Stretching the meat of his thighs i follow his movements

Pinching the skin of his waist as if it will disappear

Flattening the bags on his chest to make it easier to look at my disgusting form


Who is this boy beyond the glass who hates me so?

What is it with his disdain of my body

It has done nothing to him

What is it? Who are you? Where did you come from?

The hatred he feels inside comes from..


He hopes that if he stares long enough that i'll disappear

But i cannot disappear if i am here to mimic him

I cannot leave when i am bound to this body

The form who wishes upon stars he doesnt wake up to look at me again

just stop looking at me


He starves me of any nutrients in hopes it will make me disappear

But cries when I tell him he's hurting me

He says he wants people to plant flowers on my grave

But knows he will cry as he watches them blossom

Knowing i was buried too soon


I tell him I am hurting

I tell him I am becoming smaller

He wanted smaller so why is he so upset?

He says he no longer wants me to be smaller.

If he is scared of me being smaller then why won't he allow me to be stronger?


I gaze at him through the mirror

I speak to him

“I know I have hurt you,

I have broken you down, reduced you to nothing.

But if you release me from your torture,

I promise to rise once more.”

How to write a love poem


How to write a love poem.

Fall in love.

Fall for the goodnight texts,

The good morning messages,

The idea of a future,

The trips planned,

The long gazes,

The soft touches of chapped lips,

The holding of hands.

Don't fall in love.

For the boy who called you his everything,

For the girl who called you the most beautiful person in the world,

For the person who told you that they couldn't live without you,

For the late night calls,

The hugs that feel to last a lifetime.

Fall for the idea of love.

Fall for the heroes in stories,

The characters who are so in love that-

They spend all their time together,

They fall asleep cradled together,

Talk endlessly when they are supposed to be sleeping,

Save each other against all odds,

The Morticia and Gomez Adams of couples.

To write a love poem the only idea of love you must have-

Is your own perception of it.



Halloween dancing the smell of

Concession stand pretzels and popcorn fill my senses,

My halloween costume mad

As a hatter. The day we met was as 

beautiful as it was tragic. 

What was added to the conversation

That made us so attached?


The year of us, 

The year I am unable to forget,

The germ my soap refuses to clean.

No matter the time passed

Fate ingrained it into my brain

Like it was meant to be with me

My whole life span. The reason unknown.


My mother hated you,

I had to change your name in my phone

So many times, your number became an instinct.

A memorization that I still have never forgotten. Even

Now reciting it is moving a muscle,

Is reading a page. How many times

Did I have to hide your existence?


Middle school means nothing.


When our story was supposed to end,

The first time, 

It felt like all of a life had passed 

before fate pushed up back

Again. And again. And again

We fell. Back into the same old

Beautiful tragedy.


Eighth grade means nothing. 


It was Christmas time the second time.

The boy who he destroyed me,

Mentally, emotionally, physically,

Had melted away from my life. And once gone

Of course you return.


Meddling back into all the 

Surfaces of my life. Again. 

You always come during 

Heartbreak, fixing the pieces

Back with chewed up gun and scotch

Tape, with your candy words 

And empty promises I believed without so much

As a hesitation.


“Why do you never pay attention to the rumors?”

My reply is immediate, firm

“Because I see the good in you that no one else does.”

I would say this.

I would believe this.

Our time together was precious to me. Delicate

Like a small flower. I wanted it to never

End. Lasting from sun set into the late hours 

of the early morning next day.

And I fell in love with you 

once again,


Then you would fade away,

Waiting for the gum to dry up

And the scotch to lose it’s hold.


Our time meant…


You found me next in 

a time where I was happy.

Did you predict the disaster

That was about to befall?


Everyday I think of you. A 

Memory, an afterthought, a craving.

More and more as the days go

Forward and my heart gets sadder

And my mind more destructive.

Euphoria has yet to stick to the gum

In my cracks, and you have yet

To give me the slightest euphoria.


Is this the end of our tale?


I sit and I imagine

The writer putting down his pen,

Letting his story find its ending.

A story of two people. Two people

Whose cross roads have finally split.


Seventh grade meant 

the world. 

Eleventh grade meant 

A close.


I look you in the eyes,

“What do you think my life

Would be, if I believed the rumors?”

The Boys In Photos


I compare my body to others regularly. 

I compare it not to the skinny girls in ads but to the muscular people who have abs, 

guys who have flat chests and no breasts, 

people who can look completely androgynous. 


People who do not need to worry about other looking at 

them and only seeing a girl. 

I compare myself to the boys 

who do not cry at night from the lumps on their chests racking up 

numbers on the scale,

 to the girls who have flat stomachs, 

to the androgynous people who look nothing

less than an ambiguous question mark, 

to the nonbinary people who do not look in the 

mirror and see a girl staring back at them. 


I am unable to look at myself without seeing 

the girl everyone views me as. 

In order to combat this I punish my body 

for something I am in no control of, 

Walking feels like a chore and a workout.


My hair is so thin that it refuses to hold on any longer, 

my period completely given up on me,

blood no longer rushes from my body. Maybe 

this is the sign of a dead body.


I do not realize that I am weakening until it is hard to keep my eyes open, 

I find myself starting to drift off during class 

unable to stay awake 

even though I had already slept for ten hours. 


I need to rely on the effects of caffeine to get me through the day, shocking my system into

alertness, I can feel my heart palpitating 

and it sickens me. 


Everyday is set on schedule 

nothing is every unplanned because when 

the schedule gets messed up so too does my 



No eating out its too many carbs, 

no ordering food, its too high in sodium, 

no sorry i can't eat that i will gain… a pound? 

Two pounds?



I know I am further damaging my body 

but how will I look at myself if I am not skinny. 

I ask myself if I knew the answer to keeping myself 

small without the need to punish the body I am in

Would I do it?


Or would I continue to starve, 

to restrict, 

to kill myself 

for a body that I deem perfect? 

For a body that I can finally love 

because I can only love myself if 

I look like the boys in photos.