1st Print Magazine Reception
The Fairy Bargains of Prospect Hill By Rowennna Miller
Junkyard Dogs By Katherine Higgs-Coulthard
The Cross and the Godless By Joseph Mauck
March Artist Gary Riggs
Colleen Newquist invites you to ‘Stop and Smell the Butter’
She Drank Drewry’s Beer and Smoked Kool Cigarettes
Artist Brendan Bercot Finding a Path
Four Days to Hannibal
Mixing Humor with Sincerity: Dawn Burns, Novelist
Conversations with the Painters by Anne Born
Miranda Heward
Empowering Community - Chesterton Art Center
Greta Friedman - Inspiration of an Actress
PAN-O-PLY Looking ahead to 2023
July Poet Valerie Jairosi
David Smykal February Artist 2023
Artist of the MonthDaniel BreenDavid, David Smykal, Smykman Primitives, art, St Joseph Michigan art, Michigan art, creative art, Artist of month, February artist, primitive art
October artist Woody Jacobs