October 2019 Artist of the Month: Mei Mei Lam


Congratulations to Mei Mei Lam for being our October 2019 Artist of the Month!

“I always had an interest in drawing and art ever since I can remember. I was constantly doodling on anything and everything, and eventually I ended up in art school in Chicago. Originally, I wanted to become an animator. I was inspired by all sorts of different animes, Disney, and many other cartoon shows as a kid. When I came back to South Bend, I started working as a graphic designer. During my spare time, I would be working on my own illustrations, whether they be originals or fan arts - anything to refine my skills more.”


“Eventually I worked up enough confidence in my work that I thought I could try doing some art shows. I started applying to many artist alley shows at conventions and my very first one was in Lansing, Michigan about 4 years ago. Since then I started doing more convention shows within a few hours driving distance, and I tried to do a few local shows as well. This year I wanted to challenge myself and go further away. I made it into the artist alley of two of the biggest convention shows California. It was one of the most humbling experiences I've ever had, as it made me more secure that I could potentially pursue my own personal work in the future.”


“I love combining painting techniques and bright colors together to make the pieces come alive and tell a story. I also really enjoy experimenting with different styles and looks. It keeps things interesting and fresh whenever I start doing a new piece. Eventually I hope to make my own children's book and cartoon comics, but for now I will keep doing art shows around the country and slowly work into pursuing my own art career.”


View more of Mei Mei’s work or contact her at:

Instagram: @shu_baobao

Twitter: @xshubaobao

Tumblr: xshubaobao.tumblr.com
