From the Editor Winter 2022
We are what we eat, and we are what we listen to? I hope the period of entrenched tribal social media association will come to an end soon. I do not see how we can move forward as a national community if we do not break free from our opinion orbits and begin to truly listen to one another.
“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” ― Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
A part of PAN-O-PLY’s mission is to “… to provide an outlet for respectful thought and conversation.” We hope to bring you the varied stories and voices from around greater Michiana. We hope to bring you something new, a position to consider, a new perspective.
What we choose to listen to in our feeds isn’t everything, and what we hear isn’t everything we can know. Sometimes it is difficult to listen to another opinion when it does not mesh with your own view. By listening more to others, we expand our view of the world around us and gain a deeper appreciation of perspectives. Please join us as we strive to listen to the many voices of Michiana.
A short list of submissions we would like to see in 2022. Can you recommend someone? Email PAN-O-PLY at
1. Photo essay of farm life.
2. Photo essay of an orchard through 4 seasons.
3. Poetry from varied cultural perspectives of our community.
4. Art of Faith essay from Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh, Jewish and other religions.
5. Poetry from Michigan City, St Joseph, Plymouth, Warsaw, Benton Harbor.
6. Short stories about the cultural perspectives of our community.
7. We would like to connect with any poetry reading groups in greater Michiana.
8. Photo essays of people.
9. Memoirs about life, love, and learning in Michiana.
10. Essays about almost anything.
PAN-O-PLY Story & Art Michiana FLIP BOOK
Lake Michigan
If Our Communion Breaks
by Dan Breen
Let us be more like a wave
made of many molecules
Dependent, relying upon
each individual voice
Vibrato unison crashing!
receding to whole
Absorbing the past
learning to reform
Unrelenting foam
Gathering strength
An individual molecule
cannot polish a stone